When the First Person Template is deployed to a Nexus 9 using ES31, there is an extreme magenta color over the screen. Disabling post process reduces the bloom, but there is still major color artif ...
Clicking the Closed Loop option in a new Spline Component results in the Editor crashing. This only occurs in 4.8 Preview 1 (so far). 4.7.6 and Main appear to be working correctly. ...
Level Sequence actors have their current playback time to 0.f when using the StopAtCurrentTimeNode. In MovieSceneSequencePlayer.cpp line 288 TimeToResetTo is set to 0.f. Attached is a 4.24 example ...
From the UDN: > Open HapticsFeedbackEffect.cpp and naivgate ~ line 150; note HapticBuffer has length populated but never write the actual buffer data. LikeReplySelect as Best Seems like a simple f ...
User is reporting grass at the edge of their landscape being generated floating in the air on a Mac Pro with AMD GPUs. I have been unable to repro this on my Mac Mini with Intel Graphics HD 4000. Q ...
Attempting to add multiple instances of a Scene Component that was created in code and contains a component such as a Box Collider causes the Box Colliders of each Scene Component to be parented to ...
Compile 'Note' on BP Interface events. It happens in actor BPs and also BP Widgets. A similar issue was fixed back in 4.11 with Custom Events. Could be related? https://jira.it.epicgames.net/brows ...
The value given by the Mouse Wheel Axis is usually 1.0 or -1.0, depending on the direction. In HTML5 packages, this value varies based off the browser that is used. On Firefox (56.0): 0.025 or -0.0 ...
From user:"We have ran into an issue with soft object pointer fixup/remapping with the World Partition converter. If you have a sublevel that contains a level script and an actor that is hard refer ...
On an iMac running OSX 10.11.1 a user reports that the tooltips are appearing behind the contextual menu. *See image ...