This may be a limitation at the moment, but landscapes will block any AO generated from Distance Fields for anything that is below the landscapes surface. This can cause issues for anyone using a ca ...
Smoothing user's landscape breaks collision, causing player to fall through the ground at points that have been smoothed. Resampling landscape fixes the error until smooth tool is used again. Regr ...
Setting r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not affect the upsampling/downsampling of the viewport in the editor. Regression: YES - the console command correctly adjusted the screen precentage in 4.11.2 ...
When attempting to add a custom component to a blueprint at runtime using the Add Component function, if you give the component an exposed variable, it will ignore whatever target you specify and ad ...
LogPlayLevel: QAGame: [2017.06.28-14.09.14:706][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Unable to load package (../../../QAGame/Content/UMG/UMG_Sprite.uasset). Package contains EditorOnly data which is not supported b ...
Changes made to array containers in the parent Instanced Subobject Blueprint does not affect the child. Working in 4.18.3 Broken in 4.19.2 Tested in 4.18.3(CL - 3832480), 4.19 (CL - 4033788), 4. ...
When running a standalone build, focus navigation doesn't work on widgets within a world-space widget component. This may be fallout from [Link Removed], which parented the widget component's virtua ...
User reported an issue of a mesh not being visible when a project has multi-level blueprint inheritance. After reproing, I believe the root cause is DefaultSceneRoot of the grandchild BP class not c ...
Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero. Subsequently disabling Pawn Use Control Rotation make rotation of the component impossible until ...
While testing the 'Shot' command for a user on the AnswerHub, I discovered the reason for the incorrect resolutions of his screenshots, was due to the fact the 'Standalone' window resolution set wit ...