Poses Asset UI doesn't update correctly when updating from new source animation

OLD - Anim - Jul 11, 2016

If the user updates to a new Source Animation for a pose asset, while a pose was active in the viewport (weight set to 1.0), the pose will be set to 0.0 in the pose list even though it's still activ ...

Packaging project with Blueprint nativization on produces various warnings.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jul 11, 2016

From a UDN thread: When cooking, we are seeing hundreds of warnings of the format "Compiler Warning A node that generated no code of it's own ( X ) tried to inject code into Y". There isn't anythin ...

Cannot (Easily) Change the Case of Folder Names in the World Outliner

Tools - Jul 11, 2016

In the World Outliner, without the following workaround, you cannot simply change the case of a folder name from upper to lower case or vice versa. EXAMPLE: map -> Map = map WORKAROUND: Change "M ...

Crash changing mesh paint material in blueprint, then changing to a different mode tab

Tools - Jul 11, 2016

The editor crashes changing from mesh paint mode to another mode if the user has changed the material of an "Add Static Mesh Component" or "Add Spline Mesh Component" in a BP and compiled while in m ...

With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the right eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 8, 2016

KevinR: Make sure you are using Temporal AA (TXAA), and I was using SteamVR/Vive With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the righ ...

Existing data can be lost from a datatable if the datatable is based on a struct that contains an array of another struct

Tools - Jul 8, 2016

If a DataTable is created in the Editor based on a struct that contains an array of a second struct, and a change is made in the second struct, any existing data values that have been entered into t ...

GetLocalizationTargetByName preforms the same function in if and else statements

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Jul 8, 2016

The if/else statement that defines GetLocalizationTargetByName has the same code in both the if portion and else portion. This means that the same code is executed regardless of the evaluation of t ...

Level streaming will incorrectly stream levels with similar names

UE - Gameplay - Jul 8, 2016

When streaming levels where one level has a partial name of another level, the incorrect level will be found and streamed rather than the desired level. Ex: When attempting to stream a level named ...

Compiler Results Panel Displays No Information Upon Successful Compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 8, 2016

Compiling a blueprint successfully displays no information in the Compiler Results window. However, if there are any errors, these will show up. This does not occur in 4.11.2 or 4.12.5. This is a ...

Copy/Paste a data asset fields cause the fields to affect each other

Tools - Jul 7, 2016

When an element of a data asset is copied into another field, the two fields become "linked" and further edits to one field begin to affect the other. ...