Crash While Compiling Blueprint in FBlueprintEditorUtils::RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes()

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2016

Having an actor blueprint (A) that contains an array variable of references to another actor (B) that is connected to a Length node and a Vector array that is connected to a ForEachLoop causes bluep ...

Crash when using "Convert to Variable Curve"

OLD - Anim - Jun 7, 2016

Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 7 8 DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(TEXT("AnimSeq EvalCurveData"), STAT_AnimSeq_EvalCurv ...

Get Class Defaults node disconnects output pins when project upgraded from 4.11 to 4.12

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2016

Upgrading a project from 4.11 to 4.12 causes Class Default nodes to disconnect their output pins from other nodes. If the node is reconnected and saved, it will disconnect again when the project is ...

Translucent Materials no longer reflect light when using Forward Lighting variable

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 7, 2016

Translucent materials are no longer showing light reflections in scene when using r.forwardlighting 1 with lights. This is a regression from functionality in 4.11.2. This no longer works with 4.12 ...

AI Perception Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees Being Doubled

UE - AI - Jun 7, 2016

Any value that is set for Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees in an AI Perception component's Sight config is doubled. This does not occur with the PawnSensing component, which is inconsistent behavio ...

Attempting to build MinidumpDiagnostics with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 results in failure

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 7, 2016

When attempting to build the Minidump Diagnostics project from the UE4 source, it will fail if you're using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Please note that this does not occur in the base VS2015 or wi ...

Crash when Editing Text in Libraries Category Text field within Material Functions

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 7, 2016

When editing the 'Libraries Category Text' field within a Material function a crash occurs. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11 release. I have attached an image for reference. ...

Static Meshes Disappear with Media Player Asset Applied as Material in Standalone or Packaged Game

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 7, 2016

Static Meshes with a Media Texture applied will disappear when played in Standalone or in a Packaged Game. Regression? Yes, this is not the same behavior in the 4.11 version of the engine. Note I ...

Cannot Add Elements to AIPerceptionStimuliSource's Register as Source on an Instance in the Level

UE - AI - Jun 7, 2016

When attempting to add an element to the Register as Source for Senses on an instance of a blueprint in the level, the + button has no effect. Clicking the button does not add an element. This work ...

Memory Leak When Hovering Over a Folder Containing Blueprints

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jun 7, 2016

Hovering the mouse cursor inside a Content Browser folder that contains blueprints causes the memory usage to steadily increase. This only seems to occur with blueprint assets in the folder. A use ...