Performance regression from 4.10 to 4.11 on Sony Xperia M4 Aqua

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 27, 2016

User reports that on the Sony Xperia M4 the FPS have decreased from about 25 down to 5 after upgrading to 4.11. ...

Splines handle box collision and collision from other shapes differently

UE - Gameplay - May 26, 2016

Splines handle box collision and collision from other shapes differently. ...

Manually importing LODs are rotated 90 degrees when using Transform Vertex to Absolute

Tools - May 26, 2016

When importing a Static Mesh if you use the default settings and then manually import any LODs for that static mesh they will be rotated by 90 degrees. I found that disabling Transform Vertex to A ...

changing skylight resolution to 32 crashes engine

UE - Graphics Features - May 25, 2016

This crash has been experienced internally, and by others in the community while testing the 4.12 Preview. ...

Behavior tree observers are not added when search fails

UE - AI - May 25, 2016

Check UDN for repro tree setup, it should be visible on something like: root selector (decorator on key A, abort lower pri) child1: selector1 child2: sequence1 selector1 (decorator on key B, abort ...

UMG Animation sounds do not play in PIE

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 25, 2016

Sounds are not playing in PIE for UMG animations. The sounds will play fine if you launch on or play in Standalone game ...

No Set function for TextRenderComponent::VerticalAlignment variable

UE - Graphics Features - May 25, 2016

There is no set function for the vertical alignment variable in TextRenderComponent.h meaning the variable must be set directly. This is inconsistent since there is the SetHorizontalAlignment() fun ...

Components attached via AttachToComponent do not animate correctly when recorded by sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 25, 2016

When an actor is attached by the root to a bone of a skeletal mesh through the use of the "AttachToComponent" function in code, it will not follow animations when being recorded by the Sequencer Rec ...

PhysicsConstraintComponent not editable on instances.

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 25, 2016

When adding a PhysicsConstraintComponent to a class, it can be properly edited in the Blueprint editor. However, if trying to manipulate it via the instance editor, it is "locked down" ...