HTML5 broken load/save

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 12, 2016

save data does not return the same data and crashes the game ...

Constraint setting UI issues

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 12, 2016

When setting constraints to free or locked the "Angular Rotation Offset" property greys out so it can't be edited. But when simulating it still has an effect. Either needs to not have an effect or n ...

[Mac][Metal] (Motion Vector) Rendering artifacts with 4.11 on Mac with Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Selectively output to the GBuffer rendertargets ON

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 12, 2016

From AnswerHub: Second one is that Motion Vectors are bugged for some objects. This causes lot's of temporal artifacts. Third picture lamp is good example of bug. Lamp is static. Camera is not movin ...

[Mac][Metal] (Shadow) Rendering artifacts with 4.11 on Mac.

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 12, 2016

The first problem noted in this Answerhub post: First one is that static shadows from stationary directional light are completely broken. Screenspace buffer that should contain static shadows is ju ...

Cannot move instances of a hierarchical static mesh component in the blueprint editor viewport

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 12, 2016

Can move individual mesh instances of a regular instanced mesh component in the blueprint editor, but not hierarchical ones. Originally reported as a pull request in [Link Removed], but we rejected ...

Child of child blueprint cannot be altered from data only blueprint if called by a macro within a blueprint macro library

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2016

Spawning a child of a child blueprint in a blueprint macro library forces the child blueprint into opening as a data only blueprint without the option to open the Event Graph. Regression? (Yes), i ...

Get bounds node for the Steam VR Component Does not appear to return the actual bounds

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 11, 2016

[NickW] This needs to pull the Play Bounds from Vive. The old soft / hard bounds system appears to be partially deprecated The Get bounds node does not appear to return the correct in game chaper ...

Camera Rotation Not Working With Mouse if Mouse Cursor is Shown

Tools - Apr 11, 2016

When the mouse cursor is shown, and you press eject in the viewport, you can no longer rotate the camera while holding right click and moving the mouse. If you hide the mouse cursor using the Show ...

Construction script in parent blueprint calling function in child blueprint resets upon compiling child blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2016

If the construction script of a parent blueprint calls a function within a child of that parent in the construction script, compiling the child blueprint will cause the parent blueprint to incorrect ...

Building Grass Map toast stays up forever

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 11, 2016

The Building Grass Maps toast stays up forever when your landscape material does not have a landscape grass output and the landscape option Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision is checked. ...