Triggerbox volume incorrectly forces physics objects to act at rest

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 9, 2016

If a phsyics actor set to start awake is placed at the top of a trigger box, it will remain at rest. Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...

Newly Created Landscape using Material with Displacement and Tessellation Flickers

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 8, 2016

Upon creating a new landscape that uses a material with displacement and tessellation, the landscape and its respective components will flicker. The flickering can be removed when you begin sculptin ...

Particle Ribbons not firing off consistently

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 8, 2016

Ribbon trails do not immediately follow the lead particle when fired. There is an inconsistent delay in some that cause them to either not fire or fire mid stream. This did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...

Delta applied twice when moving parent and grouped child actors

UE - Gameplay - Apr 8, 2016

When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...

Setting meta data to custom MetaData class does not save after restarting editor

OLD - Anim - Apr 8, 2016

When setting a custom meta data class in an Animation Montage, the class set is not saved when the editor is closed / reopened. ...

Composite font uses a sub-font, even when the sub-font doesn't support the character

Tools - Apr 7, 2016

I have a fix for this shelved in CL# 2937344, so it would be good to get it into 4.12 once the user verifies the fix. ...

Slider doesn't properly bubble the OnKeyDown event

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 7, 2016

Once a slider receives keyboard focus, the keys will not navigate away regardless of the navigation settings. This is because the slider's OnKeyDown function does not pass along the call when the ev ...

UMG Widgets aren't cleaned up when a player is removed

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 7, 2016

When a player is removed from a split screen game, UMG widgets associated with their screen are not properly cleared. ...

Multicast does not appear to be working when setting rotation.

UE - Networking - Apr 7, 2016

If the user uses add rotation and then uses a multicast to tell the clients that the server has rotated the clients do not update. ...

Transition ratio getter function not correct for interrupted transitions.

OLD - Anim - Apr 7, 2016

The transition ratio getter simply uses ElapsedTime/Crossfade for the alpha on the transition. Normally this is sufficient, although if you blend between two states A and B such that you interrupt ...