MayaLT LOD groups fail to import into the editor

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 20, 2016

Given a simple LOD Group setup in MayaLT 2016 and exported with Default settings from LT as a 2014/15 FBX File, the FBX Fails to import. Given the same setup in Maya 2016 and Export Settings, the F ...

Mac project being rejected from app store over read/write access

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 20, 2016

Game was rejected from the Mac App Store for attempting gain read/write access to directories which weren't permitted. Reporter of issue has proposed a possible fix on his AnswerHub post: These tw ...

Instanced Stereo Rendering causing a build to fail when packaging for Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 20, 2016

If the user goes to the project settings and enables "Instanced Stereo" rendering it will fail to package for Android. ...

Crash when changing a Play Node's "Sequence" to a Montage

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2016

I understand that this is not something you're intended to be able to do (Montages aren't used this way), but we should bar the user from inserting a montage into this variable slot. Crash occurs w ...

Audio stops working when unplugging and replugging USB headset

UE - Audio - Jan 19, 2016

Game sounds can no longer be heard after unplugging and re-plugging back in a USB headset during a match. This also occurs when plugging a USB headset anytime during the course of the match. ...

"r.SetRes 1920x1080f" fails to set fullscreen mode when executed through blueprint node

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2016

Executing the r.SetRes _x_f command fails to set fullscreen mode when executed through blueprint node. The issue occurs when executing the command through level blueprint and an actor blueprint plac ...

Shader compile error using Point Lights Nvidia Shield

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 19, 2016

On the Nvidia Shield (portable with the controller attached) if you have a dynamic directional light and at least one dynamic point light no lights will be rendered in the level. Or even just using ...

Unreal Lightmass does not build by default when building Solution from Promoted Github 4.12

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Jan 19, 2016

When building the Promoted 4.12 Solution from Github as of the 4AM commit, the Unreal Lightmass project does not build by default. This results in the inability to build lighting until Unreal Light ...

Asset with child actor component (documentation actor) crashes upon level load

UE - Gameplay - Jan 18, 2016

Adding a child actor component of type Documentation Actor to a blueprint, then adding that blueprint to a level and saving will cause the editor to crash upon re-opening the map. CrashReporter: N ...

Failing to compile will cause blueprint variables to reset to their default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 18, 2016

If a user creates a variable and sets it to a value that is not the default and then gets an error that prevents the blueprint from compiling, this will cause the variable to be reset to it's defaul ...