Large brush sizes causes hitching in Landscape Sculpt mode

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 19, 2023

In my case I used the erosion brush and smooth brushes.  Not a regression checked in Version: 5.1.0-23058290+++UE5+Release-5.1 ...

TickComponent and PostPhysicsTick in SkeletalMeshComponent can cause simultaneous read/write access

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 18, 2023

When a SkeletalMeshComponent is restarted by calling in order of   SetSimulatePhysics and SetComponentTickEnabled, the TickComponent and EndPhysicsTick are executed simultaneously. As a result, the ...

Burn ins are not composited onto media renders using the MRQ

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 17, 2023

In 5.1 media exports will not have the burn in composited onto them.  ...

Crash occurs after right clicking a Modify Curve node in an Animation Template Blueprint

UE - Anim - Jan 17, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098. The editor crashes when right clicking a Modify Curve node in an Anim Graph of a Animation Template Blueprint. ...

Compile Unreal Editor with Visual Studio 2022 can result in an error - Error executing cl.exe, tool returned code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Jan 17, 2023

Additional information in the comments. Potential work around if VS has a prompt suggesting installing addition components is to install:MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ Arm64 Build Tools(v14.33-17.3)MSVC v ...

Switchboard Unable to Launch Multi-User Slate Server in Launcher Builds

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Switchboard - Jan 14, 2023

Switchboard is unable to launch the Multi-User Slate Server in launcher builds.  This is because the default install location has "Program Files and "Epic Games" in the path (aka folders with spaces ...

ExpandEnumAsExecs always uses first Exec if an argument name matches Enum value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 13, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. EnumBugBP uses two enum cases and three argument cases for 6 total permutations:Enum w ...

Foliage cannot be selected after deleting a single instance

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 12, 2023

This issue occurs in both World Partition and Non-World Partition levels, and does not seem to occur with Nanite meshes. You can still select Nanite foliage instances after placing them, but selecti ...

Incorrect Tooltips for Crossfade By Param node

UE - Audio - Jan 12, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...

Crash when Animation Blueprint references Enhanced Input value

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 12, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...