Code delegates duplicate function calls when owning actor is duplicated in the editor

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 15, 2016

If an actor that contains a delegate bound in code is duplicated after being placed in the level, the delegate for the duplicate will also trigger the delegate for the original as well. ...

When an active Niagara Component is moved and reset+reactivated in the same frame, "Interpolated Spawning" causes "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" to spawn particles in the previous frame's outdated location

UE - Niagara - Mar 6, 2024

Consider a Niagara System with an Emitter in "Global Space" that has "Interpolated Spawning" active and a "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" module with a "Spawn Time" of 0.0 (for example, the built-in Con ...

RootMotion Malfunctioning When Played in Lower Framerates

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 2, 2016

Root Motion Animations are not functioning correctly during lower frame rates. For example, a character moving forward 2 meters at regular frame rate will move 10 meters at a lower frame rate. Regr ...

Sub-components with the same name are not displayed on the correct parents in the Blueprints editor

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2018

Sub-components with the same name are not displayed on the correct parents in the Blueprints editor.  Upon creation of an Actor blueprint initially derived from a c++ base class (VRCharacter) which ...

VisibleAnywhere MovieSceneObjectBindingID property is editable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 19, 2024

In general, UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere) makes a property ineditable. But, if the type of a property is FMovieSceneObjectBindingID, VIsibleAnyhere no longer prohibits it from editing. [Image Removed] ...

UEdGraph pointer data is not correctly un-done and graph nodes are lost when declared as a UObject property

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 9, 2024

When an undone operation is done for a UObject property that has a UEdGraph*, the modified UEdGraph nodes are lost. This UObject needs to be created/spawned in an Editor Environment by another Obje ...

Failed Import for Spline Component Error Appears on Restarting Level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 5, 2016

When creating and declaring a Spline Component in code, placing an instance of a blueprint derived from that class in the level causes a failed import message to appear upon restarting the level. ...

FIOSInputInterface::SendControllerEvents crash due to UIInterfaceOrientation call from game thread

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 29, 2020

From [Link Removed], licensee reports We believe that querying the UIInterfaceOrientation via UIApplication on the game thread is the issue here. We have made changes to IOSInputInterface.cpp and I ...

Calling UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::AddInstance multiple times causes crash

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 16, 2019

Calling UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::AddInstance multiple times causes multiple BuildTrees to be created and run asynchronously at the same time. Tested in 4.21(CL - 4613538) How t ...

Blueprint Struct associations in Blueprint hierarchy causes command line cooker to crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 13, 2016

If a user creates a specific Blueprint hierarchy with a Blueprint struct, it can cause a issue when the Blueprint struct is being cooked. User description of Blueprint(s) and Blueprint Struct relat ...