Gray box at the bottom of screen shots on MAC if the window is larger than the screen

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 12, 2015

If the User uses the F9 key to take a screen shot of their project and the window for the project is larger than the screen, the part of the screen that is not shown will be grayed out (this is not ...

Navigation agent selection fails during navmesh generation

UE - AI - Oct 9, 2015

Attached UDN thread and user's project nail the issue down really well. ...

Vector Parameters are not registering as float4 in Custom script or via Component Mask

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 9, 2015

User reported trying to use a Vector Parameter with a Custom Expression and the parameter was only registered as a Float3 and would give the X3017 error when compiling. I confirmed this and teste ...

Unresponsive black screen in standalone when enabling HMD w/ Oculus attached

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 8, 2015

Going fullscreen/stereo on/enableHMD causes a play in standalone to go unresponsive and render as a black screen. Found on: Binary 4.9.2 release (from launcher/portal) UDN: https://udn.unrealengin ...

Editor crashes when adding custom CameraComponent to BP with CameraSettings hidden

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 8, 2015

Using the HideCategories = (CameraSettings) specifier inside a custom CameraComponent class will cause the editor to crash when the component is added to a blueprint. Restarting the editor will sho ...

Shuffling often does not shuffle last index of array

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2015

Shuffle disproportionately does not shuffle last index in the array when using the "Shuffle Array" node. ...

Instanced object properties get cleared when compiling some (all?) types of Blueprints (Actor components and user widgets at least)

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 7, 2015

If an ActorComponent contains a UObject property of a type that is DefaultToInstanced, any time a Blueprint of a class containing that ActorComponent is compiled the UObject value is reset to None. ...

Hex code that is applied to a light is forcibly changed with using the Details panel in the World Outliner

Tools - Oct 7, 2015

If a user sets the light color with a node (Set Light Color) in blueprints, it will use the exact Hex code that is given. However, if the user uses the world outliner to set the light color of a lig ...

UWIdget classes with missing ReleaseSlateResources() overrides

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 7, 2015

UListView, USlider and possibly others don't have ReleaseSlateResources overridden despite having shared pointers to stuff. ...

Exporting LOD's from editor only gives LOD0

Tools - Oct 6, 2015

Can't export more than one LOD level from editor. ...