Copying/pasting an element in an array of EditInlineNew objects results in a reference to the original element being created instead of a reference to a new copy of that element.

Tools - Aug 20, 2015

When duplicating an element of an array of EditInlineNew UObjects, a reference to the duplicated element is created instead of creating a new UObject that duplicates the initial element's properties ...

WmfMedia: Calling the play and pause nodes multiple times cause a media player to stop working

Media Framework - Aug 20, 2015

If the player calls the nodes Pause > Play > Pause > Play, the media player will stop working. ...

Dynamic point lights generate shader compile errors on HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 20, 2015

The new ES2 movable point lights look promising. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with them in HTML5 builds. They work great in the ES2 preview mode in the editor, but when running in an ac ...

ServerTravel command doesn't work in PIE using seamless travel

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2015

The "servertravel" command doesn't function when running ShooterGame in Editor. A warning will show up in the Output Log: LogWorld:Warning: UWorld::ServerTravel: Seamless travel currently NOT supp ...

Changing a node to a pure function does not remove breakpoints from node and they must be turned into an impure function again

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 19, 2015

Changing a blueprint node to a pure function while a breakpoint is set on the node will maintain the breakpoint. Additionally, the breakpoint cannot be toggled or removed until the node is turned ba ...

Clearcoat shader disappears if any asset using the Material leaves lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 19, 2015

Clearcoat Shader will stop receiving lighting information if any mesh assigned the material using the shader leaves lighting. Also Reproduced in Launcher 4.9 Preview 4, Main-CL-2660934 [Image Remo ...

FoliageType has a FBodyInstance but only shows Collision Presets and not other FBodyInstance properties

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 19, 2015

None of the other FBodyInstance properties are showing up either in the Foliage tool or viewing a FoliageType asset in the content browser. ...

Navigation system not handling component hierarchies properly

UE - AI - Aug 18, 2015

Lots of details on the related UDN thread. In short, Navigation System is not handling properly deep component hierarchies. I've added a test map for this to AIProject, it's ComponentHierarchyOnNa ...

VR Preview crashes when the number of players is greater than one

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 18, 2015

If the user has the number of players set to more than one, the VR preview will crash. ...

TAssetPtrs are not properly fixed up in client PIE instances

Tools - Aug 18, 2015

Contrary to the linked UDN question, this doesn't seem to require the actor to be replicated. The problem is that when UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE is called for a PIE client instance's persistent ...