Increment and decrement nodes return the incorrect value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 23, 2015

Increment and decrement nodes return the incorrect value User Description: Getting the result of the Increment Macro seems to be incrementing the variable twice. Very confusing. Is this normal? ...

Assertion failed: !EditReregisterContexts.Find(this)

UE - Gameplay - Jun 22, 2015

Editor crashes if a blueprint has "Can Ever Affect Navigation" changed multiple times and is compiled. Crash link: [Link Removed] Frequency: 4/4 ...

Audio playback does not function when streaming video with the media player asset

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Jun 22, 2015

Video streamed through the media player asset is not accompanied by audio. The issue occurs for all supported video formats. Currently this has only been tested with streaming via URL due to [Link R ...

20 FPS performance drop between 4.7.6 and 4.8 on devices rendering Metal only

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 22, 2015

User reported a considerable performance drop on iOS between versions 4.7.6 and 4.8. I was able to reproduce this perf drop using the steps he provided. ...

BP Assets bleeding into other BP's Thumbnails

UE - Gameplay - Jun 22, 2015

When you place a Child Actor into Static Mesh Actor Derived BP then place that BP into another BP of the same class as another child actor, the thumbnails of all Blueprints in your project will incl ...

Data Table Enums Fail to import correctly

Tools - Jun 22, 2015

Enums are unusable in data tables for importing. They import solely as their default "zero" value (albeit with the name wrong - but that still "functions" fine). Sample enum: Dog, Cat, Bird Sample ...

DynamicModifiersOnly navmesh generation mode doesn't work

UE - AI - Jun 22, 2015

When project is set up for Dynamic Modifiers Only navmesh generation the pathfinding simply doesn't work (due to missing navmesh). It does get generated properly in the editor, but is no longer ther ...

Blueprint navmesh modifier does not update navmesh in level

UE - AI - Jun 21, 2015

CrashReporter: [Link Removed] The Navmesh Modifier Component in blueprints does not properly update a levels navmesh. ...

Regression for UPROPERTY specifier causing crash ("Template Mismatch during attachment") during PIE

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 19, 2015

If the UPROPERTY() specifier "VisibleDefaultsOnly" or "EditDefaultsOnly" is used on a component reference that is attached to the root component selecting the actor with this component in the world ...

Android game packaged with obb outside apk does not create SaveGame directory on device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 19, 2015

An apk packaged in 4.8 release with 'Package game data inside .apk' unchecked does not create a SaveGame folder in the device's directory and does not create a .sav file. File is saved if the SaveGa ...