Sequencer sets max FPS when a Sequence is played after being paused if it's locked to the display rate

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 10, 2019

When playing a sequence the engine's max FPS will be saved in a temp value. If the sequence is paused and played that temporary value will be overwritten with the sequence's value. When restoring th ...

Using Interpolative Animation Data into 'Make Dynamic Additive' gives warning "Trying to play a non-additive animation into a pose that is expected to be additive in anim instance"

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 6, 2019

Feeding Interpolative non-additive Data into Make Dynamic Additive gives a Warning "Trying to play a non-additive animation  into a pose that is expected to be additive in anim instance" AnimBluepr ...

Instances Created From Merge Actor Have Corrupt Lightmaps

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 6, 2019

Instances Created From Merge Actor Have Corrupt Lightmaps. Working as intended in 4.20 CL# 4369336 and 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 6574378 and 4.23 CL# 6842436 This is a regression. ...

Crash when loading iCloud/CloudKit SaveGame on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 5, 2019

" seems the crash occurs because it is trying to load an empty (0 byte) save file. Stepping through the code in Engine/Plugins/Online/IOS/OnlineSubsystemIOS/Source/Private/OnlineUserCloudInterf ...

GLTF Datasmith Files Import Incorrectly if Mesh Names Contain a "."

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Jun 3, 2019

Importing a GTFL through the GLTF Datasmith import references incorrect instance meshes when their names contain a period. Which is very common when exporting from Blender which automatically adds t ...

Failed to launch project with -D3D10 Command Line Argument

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 3, 2019

Adding the d3d10 command line argument to a package project results in a crash. This worked normally in 4.21 and below.  ...

Crash when debugging project offscreen

UE - Graphics Features - May 30, 2019

Running a project with the RenderOffscreen flag in the DebugGame configuration applied causes the debugger to crash. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 6674923) ...

Show Volumes command does not work correctly if volume was converted from brush

UE - Gameplay - May 28, 2019

Debug display using "show volumes" does not work for volumes converted from brushes. The reason is that bHidden = true is done in the constructor of ABrush. So, we will probably need to run SetVi ...