A change has been done to the TSoftObjectPtr class that warns when constructing a pointer-to non-const from a pointer-to-const. This change makes sense and is correct. Example: UTexture2D* Loade ...
The licensee has identified a potential fix by changing if( Settings.bLerpUVs ) to if( Settings.bLerpUVs || UVIndex == 0 ) On line 389 of NaniteBuilder\Private\Cluster.cpp in UE 5.5 ...
When importing FBX files using the Interchange and legacy import with Force Front X Axis enabled, the transforms of the bones in the imported FBX models will not match. ...
When a foliage actor contains instances of Nanite and Non-Nanite meshes, the Nanite meshes don't get a selection outline when the actor is selected.[Image Removed] ...
When doing a static mesh to skeletal mesh conversion where the source object is an OBJ, if recompute normals or tangents is on, then the resulting normals and tangents will be broken. ...
WaterBody Actors will cast static shadows in built lighting even if their Cast Shadow options are disabled. ...
The texture parameters on material instances applied to post process volumes do not respect the priority order of the post process volume, and are in fact inverted relative to the priority of other ...
If there is a texture parameter within a specific material attribute stream in the base material and also within the base material layer, they must have the same parameter group otherwise the parame ...
Context ARecastNavMesh::FindDistanceToWall can be used to find the closest 'wall' on a nav mesh, given a queried position. A wall can be:any boundary towards the end of the nav mesh (outer rectangl ...