Launch URL node adds http:// to commands such as mailto:

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 22, 2019

LaunchURL places an http:// at the start of any URL that does not contain :// . This causes an issue with the mailto: command and other commands such as this. Regression?: No This occurs in 4.2 ...

Convert CharacterBP to Spawnable in Sequencer cause crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2019

[Link Removed] ...

Incorrect net mode during EndPlay in PIE

UE - Networking - Jan 18, 2019

Actor GetNetMode() can return the wrong value in EndPlay when the PIE world is being shut down. ...

Dedicated server crashes when running a multi-process game in standalone with the Code Editor plugin enabled

Tools - Jan 17, 2019

Attempting to run a standalone server and client using different processes will crash if the Code Editor plugin is enabled. ...

ARCore fails to package due to permission error with ARKit enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 17, 2019

When using the handheld AR template and trying to package for ARCore, the package or launch on attempt will fail due to some permissions errors with Apple. If ARKit is disabled the editor will lock ...

Editor crash loading a Blueprint asset when a child scene component C++ type changes to a non-scene component type.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 16, 2019

Changing the type of an existing child scene component to be a non-scene component type triggers some fixup code at load time which attempts to remove the node from its current position in the scene ...

Project no longer builds when .cc file is included in the project

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 15, 2019

Including files with a .cc extension instead of .cpp in a code project used to build fine in Visual Studio. This is no longer the case in 4.21.2. The error message that results indicates that only C ...

Retargeting an Animation to a Skeleton with a Virtual Bone causes the Engine to crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 14, 2019

This crash occurs when trying to retarget an animation onto another skeleton with a retargeting rig that references a virtual bone. This issue could be similar to [Link Removed] This issue was re ...

Dragging & Dropping Asset from Content Browser -> Blueprint Node has wrong Drag/Drop Icon

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 14, 2019

This appears to be an issue with all asset types, not specific to materials. Data Tables, Level Sequences, etc. Image shows the "No" cursor that shows up when attempting the drag/drop. This should ...

Showing black screen when drawing Distortion and DOF on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 13, 2019

[Link Removed]I think it is because that the "bOnChipSunMask " is false as Distortion activated (MobileShadingRenderer.cpp line 378),  the "UseFetch" is true as the Android device support shader fra ...