The result can be somewhat improved by setting different scale values in the surface properties, but it's always more or less broken. ...
The Hit result from "get hit result under cursor" does not appear to be working with "find collision UV" Using "Line Trace by Channel" hit result works as intended. ...
There is an issue where Camera rotation stops at game window border when using Begin play node with the mouse. This issue does not happen if you don't use the begin play node with the Set show mouse ...
This issue has been around for a long time (potentially UE3). UNetDriver::Time is a float, which is updated by accumulating Delta Time during ticks. This means the longer a game runs, and the highe ...
When undoing variables in a Structure it clears the referenced Datatable of all its rows. However deleting and just adding a new variable works fine. Repeated undos have the chance to add back the ...
Tested in Oculus. Found in 4.18.2 CL 3794801, 4.17.2 CL 3658906. Not able to reproduce in 4.19 Main due to a crash upon launching VR Mode. Users are able to select any of the first four sculpt ...
This issue is in the operation of World Outliner. If it attach another actor to the actor, even if you deleted folder that existed before, the folder will exist after restarting the editor. If it mo ...
When importing an Alembic file into Unreal Engine an extra frame is added automatically to the frame range in the import settings -abc file has been brought into Maya 2016 and exported again as an ...
Normals do not stay with the face of the asset that has been imported using Alembic whle animating -use import settings for documentation and check Recompute Normals and Force One Smoothing Group P ...
Trying to use the eyedropper in the color picker window on Mac fails to grab any color values. The colors will only update when hovering or clicking within the viewport but the colors shown aren't c ...