UWorld::UpdateWorldStreamingState in World.h has no implementation anywhere in the Engine, and is not referenced anywhere in the Engine.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 11, 2014

The UWorld class contains a declaration for UWorld::UpdateWorldStreamingState in World.h, but there is no implementation in World.cpp, and no reference to UpdateWorldStreamingState anywhere else in ...

LIVE: Crash when stopping simulation after using Keep Simulation Changes feature.

Tools - Nov 10, 2014

A user is experiencing a crash when using the "Keep Simulation Changes" feature in the Editor after running a simulation of their project. The user allows the simulation to run briefly before pressi ...

Alpha Textures reimported via overwriting disappear from level

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 10, 2014

When you reimport a texture that has an alpha by Importing and then overwriting the previous texture, all versions of that texture in any material or in the level complete disappear until you compil ...

Text Jitters in Detail Panel When Creating a Comment in the Material Editor

Tools - Nov 10, 2014

Text "jitters" in the detail panel of the material editor when creating a comment box as shown in the following link: [Link Removed] ...

Comment Box Clipping Words

Tools - Nov 10, 2014

In Blueprints or Material Editor, when typing a long description (particularly with a line ending on a space) the text will become clipped at certain zoom levels resulting in the word wrap feature f ...

LIVE: AnimBP States and Transitions no longer have the option to enter Custom Blueprint Events

OLD - Anim - Nov 9, 2014

In 4.5 and previous versions, a State or Transition node had a Custom Blueprint Event field in the Details panel under Animation State for three events. AnimBP States and Transitions no longer have ...

Unable to import GrayScale Textures

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 7, 2014

Reported by Twitter user, "Does #UE4 seriously not support importing greyscale textures anymore?" ...

NetMulticast and BlueprintCallable C++ functions reportedly have incorrect parameters

UE - Networking - Nov 7, 2014

Bug report from AnswerHub. Need to figure out why C++ functions tagged NetMulticast and BlueprintCallable send the wrong paramters to some clients. ...

Skel/Vert/Surf Module is spawning sprites at emitter origin

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 7, 2014

Even after assigning associated bones and mesh to the module, the emitter is spawning a number of sprites at the emitter origin. See Picture Attached This may be related to an earlier reported iss ...

LIVE: Some Chinese letters do not show when used with UMG when deployed to mobile

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 7, 2014

When deploying a project to an Android device that uses UMG and Chinese text, Not all text is displayed when deployed to a mobile device ...