When both an object and one of its components have transform tracks, exporting to an FBX will have inconsistent results. ...
All render vertices on any cloth triangle that contains one or two fixed vertex are set as fixed, whereas this should only be the case if all three vertices were fixed. ...
This issue occurs when streaming levels including reflection captures are displayed with delay. When it finishes loading assets, reflection capture textures are uploaded to the GPU. Then the leve ...
This is because THeightField::PhiWithNormal has not been implemented yet. ...
When GlobalInvalidation is enabled, do not update to the position set by SetPositionInViewport. It works fine when GlobalInvalidation is disabled. ...
The "Reset to default" button/arrow is missing from the channels listed in the "Object Responses" section of the Collision Preset details customization. ...
Issue reported by user that they are experiencing consistent crashes in UE4Editor have building lighting. ...
This problem occurs not only in LOD Coloration, but also in other debug views such as Required Texture Resolution. ...
The new config object is created with the same serialization name as the legacy one "ClothConfigNV", causing the legacy data to be reset prior to migration. Replacing In UClothingAssetCommon::AddCl ...
Duplicating an event trigger or repeater section will break the binding when restarting the editor. ...