Consolidate ScreenSize code and refactor to avoid confusion

OLD - Anim - Aug 22, 2016

We do have very inconsistent system between Static/Skeletal and the current name is set for ScreenSize. However, Static mesh and HLOD are using ScreenSize name for Screen area calculation. We wan ...

ARCore plugin missing 'tools' components

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 28, 2018 Bo Pang from Google writes: "I think there are two issues here: 1 ...

The Height of a Jump When Holding the Jump Button is Dependent on Framerate

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 20, 2015

Setting the Max Jump Hold Time variable to 1 second, and then holding the jump button produces different results depending on the framerate. In this case, the normal jump is at a specific height, bu ...

UnrealVS: Compile Single File no longer working after upgrading to 5.3

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealVS - Oct 2, 2023

After installing the UnrealVS version that arrived with 5.3. I can no longer use CompileSingleFile. It does however work on the Lyra project. One difference I notived, however, is that Lyra seems to ...

Image widget does not scale the inner borders correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 24, 2014

When Scaling in and out in the UMG blueprints with an image applied to an image widget that is set to border as it's "Draw as" selection the image does not scale correctly. EDIT: The UI should prev ...

Ribbons Don't Follow Their Source Particles When Scaling

UE - Niagara - Mar 23, 2020

When Ribbon Data in a particles system that is following is scaled in an instance the ribbons scale appropriately, but they don't follow updated location of their source particles. See the attached ...

"Always Center Window to Screen" No Longer Functioning in New Editor Window (PIE)

Tools - Dec 11, 2015

Regression: In UE4.10, the border that now occurs around New Editor Window causes window to extend beyond native screen resolution designated in Editor Preferences causing the window to 1) Not be ce ...

The AND node always calculates all inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 5, 2015

The AND node always calculates all inputs, even if the first input fails as False. Probably related to [Link Removed] (currently unresolved, but a Select node-specific fix is mentioned in the comme ...

Viewport deselect hotkey no longer works

Tools - Dec 26, 2014

BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2374441 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: The functionality to use the hotkey to deselect an object in the viewport using the ESC key no longer works in 4.7 without first sel ...

Android Client unable to join VOIP Host Session

UE - Online - Aug 6, 2019

Android client is unable to join a VOIP Hosted Session. The following messaging occurs when the Client tries to join a found session on Android:LogInit: BSD_Android: I am localhost ( L ...