Blend Space Graph node doesn't display fast path icon

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Sep 22, 2022

Because SGraphNodeBlendSpaceGraph inherits from SGraphNodeK2Composite rather than UAnimGraphNode_Base as with most anim nodes, we aren't able to make the check as to whether the node is fast-path co ...

Crash during package save due to the async text mesh build in Text3D

UE - Virtual Production - Sep 22, 2022

Saving a package in the editor while there is a queued text mesh build will cause a fatal error because the build will execute during the save, and creating objects while saving is not allowed. This ...

Nanite Meshes with WPO exhibit TSR smearing with Velocity Write during Depth Pass, regardless of Mobility

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 20, 2022

I set up a test project with different combinations of Nanite/Non Nanite, Movable/Static, and instance and component types, and the only case that seems to not smear at all are the non-nanite Movabl ...

Level instance in unloaded data layer stays loaded.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Sep 19, 2022

Push based fast array with net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedFastArrays not replicating across multiple PIE sessions

UE - Networking - Sep 19, 2022

The conditions for this bug are fairly specific. The actor must be statically placed, with its only replicated property being the fast array, and net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedFastArrays must be enabled ...

PoseSearch::GenerateDDCKey is not deterministic between editor restarts

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Sep 16, 2022

we need to investigate why between editor restarts the DDC key generation for the motion matching pose search databases is not deterministic, causing the assets to be rebuilt ...

Electra video playback fails if project or package is under multibyte characters path

Media Framework - Sep 16, 2022

The URL parser encodes the input path to a URL-encoded path even if it is local, so if the path contains unicode characters (such as Japanese Kanji ), the media file cannot be read. Following worka ...

ISM Component in an instanced BP does not take into account changes to NumCustomDataFloats from the BP class

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 16, 2022

PerInstanceSMCustomData is bulk serialized and doesn't get changed on the BP instance when changing NumCustomDataFloats, possibly causing out of bounds array access leading to a crash. Possible sol ...

open asset in editor crash (Objects have the same fully qualified name but different paths)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 15, 2022

in 4.27 open this asset could not crash ,but 5.0.2 could get crashed ...