Gameplay Tag Re-directories are not updating properly with nodes. Specific nodes include: "Make literal gameplay tag" and Switch on gameplay tag. Versions Tested: 4.15.3 - CL: 3450819 4.16.2 - CL: ...
This was occurring when I quit via the Quit button in the Main Menu GUI. I also repro'd this using the "Quit" command in the console. I found this on Linux, but this was repro'd on Mac and Windows ...
ARSample from WWDC is crashing when attempting to launch onto an iOS device Originally hit this on an iOS 11 iPad, but it also reproduced on an iOS 10 iPhone 6+ ...
This is a common crash occurring on Mac in 4.15 and 4.16. Users have not provided any additional descriptions. Callstack from LogAssertion failed: Assertion failed: Bitmap.Num() == x * y [File:/Use ...
Crash occurs when opening EngineTest in Binary Launcher, this occurs on both Windows and Mac. Issue does not occur when opening through P4.Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.17+Compile\Syn ...
This is a common crash occurring on Windows and Mac in 4.15 and 4.16 (two different callstacks with close similarities). The callstack is also similar to [Link Removed] and may be related. User D ...
This is a common crash on Mac in 4.16 and has occurred since at least 4.14. User DescriptionsI added a character to a blank map and tried to save it. Callstack from LogLogEditorViewport: Clicking ...
This is a common and longstanding crash on Mac. The callstack shares similarities to the Windows crash [Link Removed] and may be related. User DescriptionsMy PC is too Low Spec? Callstack from Lo ...
This is a common and longstanding community crash on Mac. Users have not provided descriptions when they crash, so additional information is currently not available. A log file is attached. Callsta ...
When changing the value of Mass In Kg for a child of a Skeletal Mesh Actor, the value is getting multiplied with every select, deselect, and enter press on the value. The number the value is multipl ...