When doing a static mesh to skeletal mesh conversion where the source object is an OBJ, if recompute normals or tangents is on, then the resulting normals and tangents will be broken. ...
Licensee is reporting a crash when they are calling SetSkinWeightProfile. ...
Constraint Actor to Rig with Editor Utility Widget is working for the first time adding to the Sequencer. However if it was deleted and added to Sequencer again, run Scripted Actor Action shows Err ...
Performance decreases quite a bit on characters with large number of morph targets, as soon as even one target is active. ...
From UDN : we are spawning a number of characters at the same time during the game, and seeing a major framerate hitch when we do so. After the characters have been spawned, we use SetSkinnedAssetA ...
A licensee was trying to extend the FSkelMeshSection, FSkelMeshRenderSection and USkeletalMesh serialisers with their licensee version number and found that the FSkeletalMeshRenderData::Cache functi ...
Occurs 3/3 times When 'Export Selected Animations' button is clicked and then canceled, animations continue to be saved. ...
Crashes after editing properties of TwoBoneIK node. If following the reproduction steps, the binding of NodePropertyDelegateHandle will not be removed, causing illegal access on the second editing. ...