Disabling internal audio to use external audio system shows "Audio Device Manager Initialization Failed!" warning

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2024

In addition, we can find  "Main audio device could not be initialized. Please check the value for AudioDeviceModuleName and AudioMixerModuleName in [Platform]Engine.ini." log message in the engine. ...

[Attenuation][Spatialization] - If speaker output is set to stereo, the Surround 2D Non Spatialized Radius Mode doesn't generate any audio

UE - Audio - Dec 12, 2023

If Surround 2D is set as the Non Spatialized Radius Mode, there is no fallback option if the user's output is not a surround format (eg stereo). There is also nothing communicated in the Tool Tip. ...

Audio Does Not Play Back Correctly when entering an Audio Volume with a Submix Send that is PreAttenuation with a Submix using Convolution Reverb

UE - Audio - Oct 24, 2023

Entering an Audio Volume that has a Submix Send set to Pre Distance Attenuation and using a Convolution Reverb causes severe audio glitching. Does not occur if Send is Post Distance Attenuation. Doe ...

Sound Attenuation settings do not function when Allow Spatialization is False

UE - Audio - Aug 3, 2023

Override Sound Attenuation setting does not work, Sound will play at max volume regardless of distance between source and observer. ...

[Device Swap] - Assertion failed: AudioStreamInfo.StreamState == EAudioOutputStreamState::Closed [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AudioMixerCore\Private\AudioMixer.cpp]

UE - Audio - Jul 25, 2023

Issue has been seen a couple times internally and closed as No Longer occurring. Looking at Crash Reporter, issue has been seen live a number of times. Looking at user logs, occurs after:LogAudioMi ...

Submix Settings on Submix Send Settings cannot be updated at runtime in SubmixSendVolumeComponent

UE - Audio - Apr 24, 2023

Source: UDN ticket Stepping through, when SetSubmixSendSettings() is called on the SubmixSendVolumeComponent, the SubmixSendSettings on the Component initially get changed before the NotifyDataChan ...

Incorrect Tooltips for Crossfade By Param node

UE - Audio - Jan 12, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...

changing maps while AudioCapture component is attached to player causes engine to hang.

UE - Audio - Jan 3, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. A large amount of warnings are generated upon investigating project log. Here's a small e ...

Randomize Without Replacement resets to WithReplacement on Sound Cue Loop

UE - Audio - Dec 8, 2022

Reproduced 7/10 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...

Randomizer in Sound Cue always picking first input on level load

UE - Audio - Dec 8, 2022

Reproduced 10/10 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. None of these settings seemed to have any effect:Preselect at Level Load (Random nod ...