[MetaSounds][Ladder Filter] - Ladder Filter Produces Incorrect Output when the Sample Rate is not 48kHz

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Oct 30, 2023

When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Ladder Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong.  ...

[MetaSounds][Biquad Filter] - Biquad Filter Produces Incorrect Output when the Sample Rate is not 48kHz

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Oct 30, 2023

When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Biquad Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. See [Link Removed] ...

[MetaSounds] - Trigger inputs called by Execute Trigger Parameter refire on MetaSounds that become active after virtualization

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 31, 2023

If trigger execute is called in Blueprint, it will fire every time the sound recovers from being virtual, even if it has not been called again. See video example: [Link Removed] Also occurs in Re ...

[MetaSounds][Wave Player] - 5.1 Wave Player channel output maps differently for Vorbis than other codecs

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 16, 2023

The channel output for 5.1 Waveplayer on MetaSounds is different when Platform Default (Vorbis) codec is chosen on Windows Platform Default - L, C, R, LS, RS, LFEBink, PCM, ADPCM - L, R, C, LFE, LS ...

[MetaSounds]- Attemping to copy and paste inputs between graphs can cause nodes with duplicate pins

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 15, 2023

Video example: [Link Removed] Occurs in 5.2 as well as 5.2. ...

[MetaSounds][Builder API] - Editor crashes when setting node position to a large value

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 9, 2023

Setting the location of a node a the MetaSound Editor Subsystem to a very large value crashes the editor.Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW Crash reporter link: [Link Removed] ...

[MetaSounds] The Members' detail panel does not accurately update after making an edit and selecting a different member

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Jun 26, 2023

Note: This issue also affects MetaSound Patches and any Members Menu List Repro Rate: 5/5 Regression marked as No: issue was seen in 5.2 and 5.1  UE5+Release-5.2-CL-26001984 UE5+Release-5.1-CL- ...

Trigger Delay Node Does Not Reset When Sent Another Trigger

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Apr 17, 2023

Trigger Delay is not behaving as described in it's current tooltip, i.e. "Executes output trigger after the given delay time from the most recent execution of the input trigger." Namely, it is outpu ...

Oscillating Biquad Filter's Cutoff Frequency results in popping

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Dec 8, 2022

Reproduced 7/10 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. Additional Notes:Stacking more Biquad Filters produces a more noticeable effect, but ...