As per the steps to reproduce, the Substrate Add node only adds the first Substrate Slab's Emissive value when "Use Parameter Blending" is enabled. Leaving "Use Parameter Blending" unchecked on the ...
Substrate Materials do not use Screen-Space reflections. Instead, they do not have any reflections (indirect specular) on the surface. ...
Anisotropy from the base of a material disappears when clear coat is used. Car paint with base specular_anisotropy at 0.5 and coat at 0.0 [Image Removed] When coat is 0.0: [Image Removed] ...
We should get to the bottom of this workaround and revert it eventually. Reported here: [Link Removed] ...
When a landscape weightmap or heightmap update is required, ALandscape::ResolveLayersTexture is called via the ALandscape::UpdateLayersContent() The problem appears to be that all pixels in the Out ...
Regression: Strata is new in UE5/Release-5.1, but recreating this on a normal material renders the same colors, so regression is no. According to a user the material is supposed to be rendering Blu ...