EDL errors trying to load audio assets in a cross compiled package of Infiltrator Demo

UE - Audio - Feb 1, 2017

Here's an example of the errors I'm seeing:LogSerialization:Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../InfiltratorDemo/Content ...

Make warning about using collision and 'components space' in RigidBody node more visible

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 1, 2017

In the RigidBody anim node, if the user enables collision while Component Space Simulation is enabled, there will be warnings in the output log saying:Warning Trying to use world collision with comp ...

LogUObjectGlobals:Warnings when recording with Sequencer Recorder

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 1, 2017

Warnings occur when recording a new sequence in Sequence Recorder This is not a regression, since it happens in 4.14.3 Warnings:LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Guid referenced by ThirdPersonCharacter_C ...

Changing Static Mesh for a mesh with overridden materials should NOT reset materials

Tools - Feb 1, 2017

Sometime recently, the behavior of changing a static mesh changed. A very common operation is to want to change a mesh, while keeping material override. Here I have a sky mesh, and the material is ...

Crash in Skeletal Editor due to null ActorFactory reference

OLD - Anim - Feb 1, 2017

When a material is dragged/dropped into a skeletal editor's bone hierarchy, the editor will crash due to null ActorFactory Regression: Yes - Crash does not occur in 4.13.2 binary (CL 3172292) ...

Epic Mannequin's Material Does Not Render Correctly On Intel HD Graphics

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 1, 2017

The Epic Mannequin no longer renders correctly when using an Integrated Intel HD Graphics 4600 GPU. The character will either have parts of his body hidden(4.14) or completely black(4.15) depending ...

If Import animation is not enabled then morph targets will not be imported even if the model has them.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 1, 2017

Importing an asset with morph targets enabled, but with import animation disabled does not import morph targets. Note: if you open the asset and press re import the asset's blend shapes will reimpo ...

Clicking reimport on a skeletal mesh crashes the editor - UE4Editor_Engine!USkeleton::GetSmartNameContainer() [skeleton.cpp:1410]

Information about this goes here....Reimported Skeletal Mesh FBX 2016/2017 in preview window. Didn't crash outside of preview in the standard content browser context menu. ...