Particle emitter follows camera on certain Android devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 5, 2016

When running a launched or packaged version on an Android device, if there is a particle emitter, it follows the camera looking up or down. If you have more than 1 particle emitter, it seems to corr ...

Set Resolution Scale Value to 100 returns inf (infinite) value

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2016

Set Resolution Scale Value to 100 returns inf (infinate) value. The resolution returns an incredibly high number (ex: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808) or "inf" ...

Client Animation is not updated on Server with "Replicate Movement" disabled

OLD - Anim - Dec 5, 2016

Client Animation is not updated on Server with "Replicate Movement" disabled See Additional Info URL because the user appears to have done some debugging on this. ...

User can still attempt to delete tags above a subtag they just added

UE - Gameplay - Dec 5, 2016

In the Gameplay Tag List, if the user adds a string of tags, then adds one on top of it, attempting to delete the previous end subtag will produce a toast saying the tags were deleted. However, the ...

Web browser widget appears to run at ~24 FPS

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 5, 2016

Web browser widget appears to fun at ~24 FPS. The FPS for the editors browser widget is much lower than what is seen on other browsers. ...

Compiling a blueprint with SetCollisionResponseToChannel Causes Crash

UE - Gameplay - Dec 5, 2016

When using a blueprint with a destructible component, you can call the SetCollisionResponseToChannel node of that component in the construction script. As a result the engine will crash when attempt ...

Crash with Gear VR when using splash screen

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 5, 2016

Crash with Gear VR when using splash screen. The app appears to crash when trying to call the splash screen. ...

Losing control while turning and over landscape in vehicle advanced template

Docs - Samples - Dec 5, 2016

In vehicle Advanced template, the vehicle seems to lose control when going over landscape and when alternate turning left to right. The vehicle appears to be skidding on ice when attempting to turn ...

Setting Simulate Physics breaks "Get Closest Point on Collision" node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 5, 2016

'Get Closest Point on Collision" node is used to determine the distance between a primitive component (target) and another specified location (Point) as well as provide the point on the target. Thi ...

Lighting Scenarios Map Check warning about multiple skylights not supported

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2016

When using Lighting Scenarios and placing a skylight in the lighting scenario levels when you build lighting there will be a map check warning that "Multiple sky lights are active, only one can be e ...