Custom Depth as Mask in High Resolution Screenshot Tool saving Boolean Value

Tools - Jul 28, 2016

Closing and re-opening a project that had the 'Use Custom Depth as Mask' option checked within the High Resolution Screenshot Tool, will cause the boolean value to be unchecked and the viewport to r ...

Can't Play in Editor After selecting a color for a border widget via the eye dropper

Tools - Jul 28, 2016

Can't Play in Editor After selecting a color for a border widget via the eye dropper. If the user selects a color with the eye dropper tool and this color is outside of the color picker window, they ...

Ensure occurs when pasting a Custom Event and its Function into another Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 28, 2016

Hit this ensure while looking into another issue for Sam. ...

Editor crashes when selecting compile after copying a Custom event to another blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 28, 2016

User will hit an ensure first when pasting a copied custom event, and will crash after compiling. ...

Editor crash when trying to launch on an Android target device from a Mac native platform

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 28, 2016

The one time it did not instantly crash after pressing the Launch button, I had to Kill -9 <PID> UE4Editor because it was using 129% of my CPU for 50 minutes. ...

Xcode 8 Beta Toolchain Breaks InfiltratorDemo on AMD On 10.11.6

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 27, 2016

InfiltratorDemo rendering is entirely broken on 10.11.6 using AMD GPUs when the shaders are compiled to byte code using the Xcode 8 Beta 2 toolchain. This does not appear to occur with the Xcode 7.3 ...

Project Launcher spams console with "LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch..."

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 27, 2016

It doesn't appear to matter what project or template you're launching with, or what settings you use in the ProjectLauncher. There are two threads it seems to complain about as reflected in this s ...

It isn't clear when a profile is added to the Preview Scene Settings

UE - Gameplay - Jul 27, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, it isn't clear that a new profile is created when the user clicks on Add Profile. If it's the first new profile, the dropdown is no longer grayed out. But if the use ...

Decal Fade Out does not cause decal to fade, destroys decal at end of fade time

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 27, 2016

Decal Fade Out does not cause decal to fade as expected. Instead, after the delay and fade time, the actor is destroyed with no noticeable fade during this time period. ...

Paper2D Code Template character uses code class in the level

Docs - Samples - Jul 27, 2016

In every other code template, the standard setup is to have the code classes be in the template and have all the functionality in them code-wise, but then have a blueprint child setup the assets it ...