Vertex Painting changes collision complexity if the asset is saved while vertex painting

Tools - May 12, 2016

Vertex Painting changes collision complexity if the asset is saved while vertex painting. The collision change is set to "Use Complex Collision as Simple". If this is intended functionality there sh ...

UFUNCTION in a derived class with a different signature will cause a crash when called

UE - Foundation - Core - May 12, 2016

Reported by AnswerHub user. UHT should block UFUNCTIONs which hide other UFUNCTIONs with the same name but different signature. ...

Crash On dedicated server when adding a variable set to RepNotify Character blueprint and playing in Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2016

Crash On dedicated server when adding a variable set to RepNotify Character blueprint and then playing in Editor ...

BlockingVolume is not working in Infinity Blade: Ice Lands once packed

Docs - Samples - May 11, 2016

BlockingVolume is not working once packaged while using the Frozen Core map from Infinity Blade: Ice Lands. BlockingVolume is working if you manually add it to Infinity Blade: Ice Lands. This has be ...

Macro Library tries to recompile upon PIE when Auto Recompile is turned off and library does not need to be recompiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2016

Macro Library tries to recompile upon PIE when Auto Recompile is turned off and library does not need to be recompiled. Note The macro library does not have to be used to cause the compilation mes ...

[CrashReport] Crash When Enabling OSVR Plugin

UE - Platform - XR - May 11, 2016

The editor is crashing when the OSVR plugin is enabled. Error Message: Unknown exception - code c06d007e (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 465 // Assign the already load ...

Multiple cleanup and initialize calls for behavior tree memory

UE - AI - May 11, 2016

Bug in FBehaviorTreeInstance processing reported on UDN. ...

Find Session does not always return the correct amount of sessions

UE - Networking - May 10, 2016

Find Session does not always return the correct amount of sessions when finding sessions at the same time. ...

DisplayName UFUNCTION specifier working incorrectly with functions that have a return

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 10, 2016

When using the DisplayName specifier in a UFUNCTION that has a return (anything other than void), the DisplayName does not apply to the function's name in the My Blueprints panel after being overrid ...