Custom TouchInterface doesn't fade to Inactive Opacity

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 12, 2016

Custom TouchInterface doesn't fade to Inactive Opacity User Description: Virtual Joystick always show on screen, even if Time Until Deactive is 0.00001. ...

Opening a project that contains an actor in viewport with a child actor component of type TextRenderActor crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2016

If a blueprint with a child actor component of type TextRenderActor is added to a level and the editor is saved, closed, and reopened, the project will crash with the following assert: Assertion ...

Spawning Component with Exposed on Spawn Variables Returns Incorrect Owner

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 12, 2016

Attempting to get the owner of an Actor Component that contains an exposed variable will return the Spawner blueprint's display name instead of the Spawned Actor it is added to. Found in 4.10.2 bin ...

Cascade Type Modules do not respect closed Emitter Stacks when drag and dropping

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2016

When you are dragging and dropping an Emitter Type Module from one Emitter Stack into another and you have closed modules in your particle system, the type data module will be offset from your mouse ...

FBX Import for Skeletal Meshes normals not correct

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2016

When importing a mesh as skeletal mesh and using any of the MikkTSpace or option to "Import Normals and Tangents" will cause the normals to import incorrectly. If using the Compute Normals or Import ...

Line height for text boxes does not appear to be affected by scaling when using a scale box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 12, 2016

When scaling text with a scale box the letter will begin to overlap when scaled up or become really far apart when scaling down (this is referring to the space between the top and bottom of the lett ...

Set Actor Scale 3D Not Functioning as Expected

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2016

Using Set Actor Scale 3D in the Construction Script is not functioning as expected. If you set the scale to 1,1,1, you are still able to freely scale an instance of the object in the scene. However, ...

If a delay node is directly connected to Event Receive Draw HUD, Draw Texture will no longer render

UE - Gameplay - Jan 12, 2016

If the user connects Event Receive Draw up to a delay node and then connects the delay node to a draw texture node, the draw texture node will no longer render. ...

Engine module doesn't properly reference dependencies on the NetworkReplayStreaming module

UE - Networking - Jan 12, 2016

Need to add NetworkReplayStreaming to the list of PublicIncludePathModuleNames in Engine.Build.cs ...

HLODs do not correctly work with Dynamic Material Instances

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 11, 2016

A licensee has reported that when using Create Material Instance Dynamic and adjusting a material at run-time is not working with HLODs. It doesn't seem supported (yet) and unchecking the "merge m ...