Building the Engine using Visual Studio 2015 can fail if Windows Driver Kit is installed.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Oct 26, 2015

There is a possible logic bug in Visual Studio 2015's vcvarsqueryregistry.bat where it locates the include path for the Universal CRT by looking at the last folder in the specified location. This se ...

PathInstance reuse is not fully supported

UE - AI - Oct 26, 2015

Check UDN for details:FindPath repathing on partial path overrides Error result (missing path reset)FindPath doesn't update last repath time, although it does set initial value for newly created one ...

Hidden In Game option for Layers in TileMap Editor not working

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 26, 2015

Using the 'Hidden in Game' option in the Tilemap Editor does not hide the associated layers in game as expected. I tested this issue in 4.8.3, 4.9.2, and 4.10 Preview 2 binary releases and the issu ...

Zooming in or out and then quickly panning to the left or right causes the camera to snap back to original position.

Tools - Oct 26, 2015

Zooming in and then panning to the left or right by hitting Alt + Middle mouse, moves the camera back to the original camera position after zoom.The pan must happen quickly.Happens randomlyOnly slig ...

Changing transforms to absolute in parent blueprint does not propagate to child blueprints in the level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 26, 2015

If the transforms for a blueprint component are changed to "absolute" location and/or rotation, new child blueprints created will correctly show the absolute location/rotation changes, but the child ...

On Release will fire when holding the button with one finger and touching the screen with another (while still holding the button)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 26, 2015

If the user holding down a button and then touches the screen of a mobile device the OnRelease event will fire every another time the button is held. Important: This only happens every other time ...

Cannot Create a New Project if Windows Username Contains a Special Character

Tools - Oct 26, 2015

If you have a windows username with a special character (in this case, it was ^), the launcher will not allow you to create a new project, and a warning appears indicating that the path cannot conta ...

Log files missing exact error message and full stack trace after crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 26, 2015

When compared to the information provided by the Crash Report window, the log files are not as detailed about what caused the crash. ...

Can choose a Child Actor for an Actor property

Tools - Oct 26, 2015

Actors that are created via a child actor component should not be selectable as entries for an actor property. ...

First person hud does not show up when cast to it unless it has been opened (MAC)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 26, 2015

If the user tries to cast to the First person HUD before the blueprint has ever been opened it will not show up on the list. ...