Unable to open UE4Editor on Linux - Bad hlslcc header found

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 4, 2015

UE4Editor does not open on Ubuntu 15.10 due to the following error: [2015.11.04-16.19.35:974][ 0]LogOpenGLShaderCompiler:Error: Bad hlslcc header found! Missing '#'!Error in `./UE4Editor': free(): ...

Function library functions don't show inside UObject Macro Libraries

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2015

Functions created in a function library do not appear in the context menu of a Macro Library that is parented to UObject. The same functions will appear if the Macro Library is parented to AActor i ...

Creating a blueprint from selected components crashes editor if components contain a blueprint with a component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2015

Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Editor crashes if the option: "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" is selected from main editor viewport>Blueprints context menu. This occu ...

D3D12 uses a lot more memory than D3D11

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 4, 2015

We’re aware of some extra memory usage in the DX12, but 100% more is more than we’ve seen! I think it’s multiple sources that is causing the increase in usage but not all are known. For example, I’v ...

Linear Spline Point Type doesn't distributed over a linear value

Tools - Nov 3, 2015

Linear Spline Point Type doesn't have expected result User Description: I was following a tutorial from Dokipen (Tutorial) about using spline to create linear arrays. Everything is working fine f ...

Performance will drop in PIE if simulate physics is toggled rapidly on an actor with attached components

UE - Gameplay - Nov 3, 2015

Performance will drop in PIE if simulate physics is toggled rapidly on an actor with attached components User Description: Simulating physics for Primitive components causes severe performance dr ...

Opening a DataTable that is set to a Struct that is using a Key variable will crash the editor

Tools - Nov 3, 2015

Opening a DataTable that is set to a Struct that is using a Key variable will crash the editor User Description: I'm getting this crash when using Key variable in DataTable. I was able to repro i ...

Launching the editor with -d3ddebug and enabling LOD Coloration mode gives D3D11 DEVICE_PSSETSHADERRESOURCES_HAZARD warning

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 3, 2015

Launching the editor with the "-d3ddebug" command line option and then enabling the "LOD Coloration" view mode (under "Lit") results in the following D3D warning: D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext ...

GearVR mount/unmount triggers erroneous touch end events

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 3, 2015

Extra touch end events are created for unsupported touch action types. These need to be ignored. ...

FullScreen Immersive on KitKat and above devices still shows device buttons

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 2, 2015

Enable fullscreen immersive on kitkat and above devices does not properly work on devices with onscreen buttons. ...