IsOverlappingActor is always returning false

UE - Gameplay - Sep 23, 2015

When you use the IsOverlappingActor node to determine whether or not something is overlapping another actor, it returns false regardless of whether or not you're actually overlapping another actor. ...

D3D11 error when opening a level after version change

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 23, 2015

After converting from 4.7.6 to 4.9.1 specific maps won't open and will crash the editor with a D3D11 error. This has been reported by multiple users but has not been reproduced internally. CrashRe ...

World Origin Shifting reacts differently on positive vs. negative axis movement

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Sep 23, 2015

When moving along a positive axis using world origin shifting, the value of the axis will increase and the origin will shift until it reaches a maximum value of 2147483648.000, it will transport the ...

iOS will not package or launch on Win 10 machine

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 23, 2015

Launching or packaging for iOS does not work on our Windows 10 machine however we are able to package and launch onto iOS devices from Windows 7 machines. Using the File > Package > iOS option with ...

Derived Data Cache is included but not used in Kite Demo

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 23, 2015

We include an 8 GB DDC with Kite Demo, but the entire DDC is recalculated on project launch instead of using the included DDC. There is no information included in the DefaultEngine.ini file to refe ...

Renaming a struct variable with special characters shows no warning

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 23, 2015

When you go to rename a struct variable, there are no warnings that indicate that you cannot use special characters, but they are immediately deleted if you try to use them in the variable name. F ...

The Color for the "Set Color and Opacity" node doesn't work when using the color wheel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 23, 2015

The "Set Color and Opacity" node has a little black box that can be clicked to bring up the color wheel to set the desired color. The color wheel does not work unless the user uses the color spectru ...

Editor crashes on user project when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project.

UE - Networking - Sep 23, 2015

Editor crashes when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project. Frequency: 5/5 crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...

Make array node elements break when editing struct elements

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 23, 2015

If a Make Array BP node is connected to a structure, using the "Split Struct Pin" and "Remove Array Element Pin" options causes array elements numbers to change randomly. ...

Float values do not show up on the curve editor when animating widgets

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 23, 2015

If the user has a float value that is exposed on a widget and that widget is added to another widget (via the user created) section, the the float value will not show up on the curve editor of any a ...