Thumbnail is not displayed in the Editor for UPaperSprite properties

Tools - Feb 14, 2017

A UPaperSprite* property in a class does not show a thumbnail for the property in the Editor. This is different from other asset poperties, such as UTexture* or UStaticMesh*, which do show a thumbna ...

Packaged game Crashes on android after entering "Help" command twice

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 14, 2017

If the console command "Help" is used twice on a packaged android project, the packaged project will crash on the device ...

Engine Crashes when saving a project to disk space is full

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 14, 2017

I ran out of space in my D drive and my project autosaved and received the attached error message This is NOT a regression ...

New Projects do not have a Camera Anim setting to track in Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 14, 2017

I was attempting to repro UE-40921 and when I tried to track a camera animation, the setting was not available in Sequencer. I cannot Note The setting is available in QA Game This is also not a ...

Additional input can be impossible after clicking an SButton in an Editor Window plugin

Tools - Feb 14, 2017

When a Level Sequence Player is created by clicking an SButton in an Editor Window plugin, any other buttons in the plugin window can no longer be interacted with until a click is made outside of th ...

Crash and Performance issues when Generating Foliage using the Procedural Foliage Volume

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Feb 14, 2017

Users are reporting crashes and poor performance when generating foliage using the Experimental Procedural Foliage Volume tool. Regression? Yes, this does not occur in the previous engine version o ...

UObject Rename always changes object name

UE - Gameplay - Feb 14, 2017

In general, Object names should try to be reused where ever possible. This can help with name clashes and flexibility in finding / referencing objects by name. The implication for UObject::Rename w ...

DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 14, 2017

DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks. ...

Custom TTF Fonts do not show up properly in HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 14, 2017

UMG custom ttf font do not show up properly in HTML5. The attached project has ttf and otf version of one same font. Both show up correctly in PIE, but ttf version does not show up in HTML5. ...

Crash on reimport animation when there is an additive animation track and fbx frame number is different

OLD - Anim - Feb 14, 2017

When an animation sequence has an additive animation track, reimporting a fbx would crash the editor if the new fbx has a different number of frames. ...