Behavior tree's blackboard editor doesn't have Play button

UE - AI - Aug 17, 2015

It's showing up when you start Play using main window, but disappears after finishing play session - should be consistent with main BehaviorTree editor window. ...

Navigation System is gathering navigation bounds too early

UE - AI - Aug 6, 2015

In GameInstance.cpp when the Navigation System is created it calls... UNavigationSystem::InitializeForWorld This in turn ends up calling... GatherNavigationBounds(); This goes through all ...

Behavior Tree Service Deactivation is called after Blackboard Component is destroyed

UE - AI - Jul 23, 2015

When exiting PIE the Behavior Tree Service Deactivation is called after Blackboard Component is destroyed. ...

Dynamic Obstacle Blueprint components do not correctly affect navmesh in standalone mode

UE - AI - Jul 21, 2015

Static mesh components of blueprints with "Is Dynamic Obstacle" set to true do not correctly affect navigation when standalone mode is initially run. Once another object is moved and the navmesh is ...

Duplicating a blackboard node within a behavior tree will cause a crash

UE - AI - Jul 16, 2015

When using the shortcut Crtl+W to copy a blackboard node within a behavior tree the editor will crash ...

The Dynamic setting for the Nav Mesh generation causes a large dip in frame rates

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

When using a fairly large level the Dynamic setting for the Nav mesh generation can cause large drops in frame rates. (Example: 120 fps when running Dynamic with Modifiers only to 42 fps with Dynami ...

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location. From fix CL 2619989: "Fixed FloatingPawnMovement component's issue when controlling AI pawn. Basicall ...

Gameplay Debugger is hijacking the Canvas

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

The bug users reported in the attached thread is the one we talked about earlier that results in Gameplay Debugger hijacking the Canvas and not allowing anyone else to print on it (most notably the ...

EnableGDT does not work correctly in PIE

UE - AI - Jul 13, 2015

The console command "EnableGDT" will bring up the GDT menu, however no information will be updated. The screen gains the menus for GDT however no functionality seems to exist. Workaround: press ' ...