Navmesh doesn't work in a Packaged Build if it was placed in a Sublevel

UE - AI - Oct 19, 2018

Once packaged, a persistent level is unable to create navmesh data properly if the navmesh bounds volumes are only present in its sublevels. The issue can be traced to the UNavigationSystemV1::IsThe ...

Float value of AIDataProvider_QueryParams is cast faild

UE - AI - Oct 9, 2018

IntValue and BoolValue is always indefinite value in UAIDataProvider_QueryParams::BindData(). Attach the result of Watch in VS. ...

GameplayTask classes that have a BeginSpawningActor function never call the Activate function

UE - AI - Oct 3, 2018

A class that inherits from GameplayTask which also has a BeginSpawningActor function will not have its Activate function fired properly. Removing this function causes it to fire properly. Regressio ...

Missing Service Node warning when opening project

UE - AI - Sep 24, 2018

Services in the Behavior Tree sometimes don't work when the project is first loaded. The Behavior Tree will print a "missing service node" warning and the BT will remain inactive. This was reported ...

NavLink component does not account for the cost of the path set by AreaClass

UE - AI - Sep 6, 2018

In the test case, the NavLink component has a navigation cost of 1000000000. When the AI navigates to the NavLink the printed cost is only 2677. It is believed that the AreaClass isn't being taken i ...

Characters using NavWalking on server have noticeable jitter on clients at lower framerates

UE - AI - Aug 23, 2018

AI nav walking doesn't allow clients to set a "Base" for the character (SetBase from UpdateFloorFromAdjustment), so there is no floor result on frames where there is a net update. This causes simula ...

RecastNavMesh is not generated at loaded sublevel

UE - AI - Aug 16, 2018

RecastNavMesh is not generated at the sub level dynamically added in C ++ in 4.20. In 4.18, 4.19 it was generated normally. Probably, changes to the large number about NavMesh systems from 4.19 to ...

CurrentTransaction ensure when duplicating an EQS generator

UE - AI - Aug 3, 2018

When duplicating a Generator inside an Environment Query, the action triggers an ensure and stalls the Editor for a few moments. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). It was r ...

When using a NavModifier with a NavBoundsVolume being in a SubLevel, unloading the level causes a crash.

UE - AI - Jul 19, 2018

When repeatedly loading and unloading sublevels with a NavBoundsVolume, it will cause a crash when using a NavModifierVolume. When the NavMesh is unloaded, it seems that the number of the DirtyLayer ...

Setting CrowdManagerClass via Project Settings doesn't work

UE - AI - Jul 13, 2018

Due to the way we pick CrowdManagerClass at runtime (see UNavigationSystemV1's constructor) whatever is being set via project settings is ignored. ...