Editor crashes when closing one viewport while two viewports are open in persona

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 20, 2023

Crash when opening anim sequence and closing one viewport with two viewports open. No crash when one viewport is closed from one viewport open. ...

Compatible Skeletons: Support additive animations with different skeleton for additive base

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 30, 2023

See linked UDN for details: [Link Removed] ...

Animation curves on Montages are not remapped when using a 'Compatible' skeleton

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 27, 2023

[Link Removed] From UDN: If you are using the new compatible skeletons feature and you have a Montage with an attribute curve on it, the curve is not correctly mapped to the target skeleton. So ...

Crash when trimming animation and then undoing action

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 30, 2023

Repro rate: 3/3 times This is a regression as the issue does not occur in 5.1.1  ...

TBaseBlendedCurve::ConvertToAdditive adds a curve track to an additive when the curve only exists in the base pose

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 29, 2023

When we create curves on additive animations, we are creating a curve based on whether the curve exists in either the base or additive pose.  This wouldn't be the expected behaviour for a user when ...

LayeredBlendPerBone without BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone exaggerates root motion

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 27, 2023

When BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone is false, the LayeredBlendPerBone is aggregating root motion of the child poses ontop of the base pose root motion.  (ie. if the first child pose's blend weight i ...

LayeredBlendPerBone with BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone set incorrectly calculates root motion weightings with more than two sources

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 27, 2023

When BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone is true, the code in  FAnimNode_LayeredBoneBlend::Update_AnyThread that calculates the root motion weightings for the sources doesn't appear to account for the po ...

Crash when calling UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent() from Actor's Tick while unregistering

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 26, 2023

Under certain conditions, it appears that the function UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent may crash because the BoneSpaceTransforms obtained from the source component are empty, p ...

Anim notifies trigger repeatedly/every frame when using an animation mode track set to Use Anim Blueprint in a Level Sequence

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 6, 2023

The anim mode track seems to cause the sequence to retrigger notifies every frame. ...

Crash in Middle of PIE with Level sequences and MRQ running

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 6, 2023

Repro Rate: 5/5 Tested this a few times and the crash seems to come in at different intervals, some had the prestreaming almost finished, then would crash. Working on a video to show crash to add ...