Quickly undocking a tab can sometimes cause the editor to freeze for a short time

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 22, 2016

Quickly undocking a window from the main editor window can sometimes result in a large black rectangle appearing, most likely representing the resulting window, and freezing the editor for a short p ...

Quickly docking tab into the main window can cause duplicate tabs to appear

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 18, 2016

When you quickly dock a tab to the main window, you can sometimes end up with 2 identical tabs. This causes some weird behavior, such as every action being done in one window being replicated in the ...

Holding Right mouse button to scroll a scroll box appears to be much slower

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 17, 2016

Holding Right mouse button to scroll a scroll box appears to be much slower than it did in previous versions of the engine. The user must move their mouse many times further to scroll to the bottom ...

RoutePointerUpEvent in SlateApplication doesn't check if a drag is occurring for touch events

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 15, 2016

When SlateApplication is routing a pointer up event, it should check bIsDragDropping and call the widget's OnDrop function. Currently, we check for touch events and call OnTouchEnded without checkin ...

WheelScrollMultipler is bogus

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 5, 2016

Use a table view, doesn't scroll right. ...

Crash when using pooled widgets in an invalidation panel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 3, 2016

Widgets that are pooled are given a pointer to a layout cache, if the layout cache dies, the pointer is bogus. Going to need to move over to using weak pointers to avoid the crash, will add some pe ...

Asset Selection Context Menu cannot move when opened from specific locations

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 2, 2016

Workaround: Left-Click and hold OR Click within a different portion of the Asset Selection dropdown The event bound to the dropdown button for the "Asset Selection Menu", as I've been calling it, i ...

Project Settings -> Engine -> Collision : Scrollbar initially missing

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 20, 2016

If the Project Settings window is sized to the point a scrollbar is needed to read the complete text for Collisions Settings, expanding "Preset" will result in the scrollbar not appearing initially, ...

Setting blueprint name as a copied blueprint node crashes editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 1, 2016

Setting blueprint name as a copied blueprint node crashes editor Frequency 5/5 Crashreporter [Link Removed] Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...

Able to grab the left side of the screen in standalone game window while playing

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 16, 2016

In a standalone game window, the user is able to grab the left side of the standalone game window, making it possible for the user to grab and resize the window while playing. Could be similar to [ ...