UFunctions using the exec specifier are recognized by UHT when building for Development even if they are in a #if WITH_ENGINE

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 19, 2015

If a user declares a UFunction with the exec specifier, the UHT will add a call to that function so that it can be used as a console command in the editor. This becomes an issue when the declaration ...

Using /*/ to create multiline comments in header files can prevent Visual Studio from successfully building a project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2015

If a multi-line comment is made in a header file using the format /*/ at the beginning and ending of the comment, UHT will fail to compile the project and will display the following errors: 1> C:/ ...

UHT will fail to build a project that contains a BlueprintPure UFUNCTION that returns an ENetMode value.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 5, 2015

Marking a function as BlueprintPure will result in a UHT build failure in Visual Studio if the function returns an ENetMode value. The ENetMode enum is not marked as a UENUM(), causing the build to ...

Non-reflected header files not recognized by UHT

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2015

A user adds 3 .h files though Visual studio where the first contains a struct, the 2nd includes the 1st, the 3rd includes the 2nd and tries to make a variable of the struct declared in the 1st. The ...

A C++ project with the name, "GearVR", will not build

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2015

A C++ project with the name, "GearVR", will not build. This does not occur with content-only projects named GearVR. In 4.7.6 and 4.8.2, it fails during Compiling and an error message appears: Runni ...

Breakpoints in default Pawn class are not triggered in Debug mode

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 27, 2015

When running the editor through VS debug mode, any breakpoint that is set in the class used as the Default pawn class in world settings will be ignored when playing in editor ...

Bugg 60426: "SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3"

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 21, 2015

Crash Report: [Link Removed] Multiple Mac users reporting crash at 35% Start up *See crash reporter Bugg 60426 ...

Swarm Coordinator is not distributing Lighting Builds

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 20, 2015

Swarm Coordinator in 4.8.1/2 is not distributing light builds across accessible agents. If you have and open a Coordinator included in the 4.7.6 build of the Engine, Coordinator is distributing cor ...

FString.Mid doesn't react appropriately when given negative values for the Count variable

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 16, 2015

If you use a 5 character string (hello) to call the Mid function and provide 0 for start, -1 for count, it'll give you the entire string. This should either return an assert or treat all negatives a ...

TBigInt allocates twice as much memory as necessary for FString input

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 9, 2015

TBigInt appears to allocate twice as much memory as necessary for the input. This produces an unexpected output of the input value. ...