Crash when save the blueprint function variable that set the StringTable asset

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 17, 2019

This issue doesn't crash in 4.21. It is rewritten as GIsSavingPackage = true in UPackage::(Save() when Blueprint is saved, but it's rewritten as false in 4.21. Workaround Do not set the String Tab ...

Incorrect number of parameters in empty Shipping version of the DrawDebugString() function signature

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 26, 2019

The DrawDebugString() function has to versions. One is the actual function to display a string of debug text in non-Shipping builds, and the other is an empty function that is used in Shipping build ...

Crash occur package application which set the StringTable

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 14, 2019

Crash occur the packaging application which has the title referencing StringTablem. When lunch the application with editor and standalone, it's not crash. It' not occur 4.20, and crash with 4.21 and ...

Rounding errors are present in FJsonValue::TryGetNumber(int64&) and FMath::RoundHalfFromZero()

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 8, 2019

A licensee reported a bug in rounding of a call to FJsonValue::TryGetNumber(int64&) with large values.  In investigating this, it appears that equivalent problems also exist in FMath:: rounding func ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-CoreUObject!UObject::SetLinker(FLinkerLoad *,int,bool) [UObjectLinker.cpp:107]

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 1, 2019

No comments from users Generated from CrashReporter ...

Loading Visual Studio toast does not close

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 11, 2019

The Loading Visual Studio toast never closes after opening Visual Studio by double clicking on a C++ Class or Blueprint node. I do not see this issue when I select File > Open Visual Studio 2017. ...

Hot reload can no longer be performed after adding an empty class to a Blueprint-only project

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 7, 2019

Adding an empty code class to a Blueprint-only project prevents the project from being able to perform any hot reloads. When clicking the Compile button in the Editor, a warning is added to the log ...

Data Asset Deserialization crash after upgrading 4.19.2 to 421.1

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 7, 2019

The User has provided an extensive log of their code base setup, and the process leading up to when the Assert occurs. "Our game mode & player state FSM are setup in a data driven manor using UDa ...

Crash occurs in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that attempts to modify an FString member of the UObject

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 31, 2019

The Editor will crash in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that modifies some FString members in the UObject. In the Attached project, the UObject class contains two FString members and ...