On Instance Take Radial Damage will not receive radial damage against Foliage

UE - Gameplay - Jun 28, 2022

Different results in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 On Instance Take Radial Damage will not receive radial damage against Foliage. ...

Migrating to a Game Feature plugin can result in assets' losing references

UE - Gameplay - Jun 17, 2022

Migrating to a Game Feature plugin can result in assets' losing references. From User: "Migrating assets to a game feature plugin's content directory leaves them having invalid references, editor t ...

Crash in GameplayTag Editor Widget when editing array of tags on a component

UE - Gameplay - May 17, 2022

Editing an array of gameplay tags on a component belonging to an actor instance can lead to a crash. There are inconsistencies with how the Gameplay Tag Editor widget behaves:Array of gameplay tags ...

Game Features plugin does not make plugin folder

UE - Gameplay - May 3, 2022

The Game Features plugin does not create a Plugins or a GameFeatures folder in the project location. This prevents a user from making a new Game Features (Content Only) and a Game Features (With C++ ...

Restart Player at Transform leaves the character unpossessed, failing to restart the player.

UE - Gameplay - Apr 12, 2022

Restart Player at Transform inside of GameModeBase leaves the character unpossessed when called. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the player character successfully re ...

Network Prediction plugin: dispossessing a client pawn results in repeated sim input

UE - Gameplay - Apr 1, 2022

After dispossessing an NP-simulated pawn, it appears that the last frame of input is used for the continued simulation of the pawn.   For example, a client player may be holding down continuous inp ...

Error thrown when adding an action mapping to an Input Mapping Context object

UE - Gameplay - Mar 31, 2022

An error is thrown when adding an action mapping to an Input Mapping Context object. LogEditCondition: Error: EditCondition parsing failed: Field name "bIsPlayerBindable" was not found in class "En ...

Setting a float value with the meta tag "ExposeOnSpawn = true" on spawn doesn't retain the value

UE - Gameplay - Feb 25, 2022

Float values with the meta tag expose on spawn aren't retaining their value when the value is set with a Spawn Actor node. It appears to only be floats. Maybe it has something to do with the change ...

AttachComponentToComponent node does not change the location of a Spawned particle system at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Feb 17, 2022

You can use the "Spawn Emitter Attached" function as a work around ...

EndAbility doesn't replicate if the ability was cancelled or not

UE - Gameplay - Feb 3, 2022

When EndAbility calls blah it always sets the value of bWasCancelled to false instead of passing along the correct value. Associated UDN: [Link Removed] ...