Components added in Blueprint that want initialisation are not maintained by RerunConstructionScripts

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 14, 2024

When a native component that wants initialisation is added to a Blueprint actor in the Blueprint editor, the initialisation state of this component will not be correctly preserved by RerunConstructi ...

empty default value for a blueprint member variable in a custom k2node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 9, 2024

User is attempting to find a blueprint member variable's default value in their implementation of UK2Node::NotifyPinConnectionListChanged(). but the expected value in FBPVariableDescription is empty ...

UDataTableFunctionLibrary::AddDataTableRow() fails for blueprint-defined row structure types

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 2, 2024

The editor-scripting blueprint node "Add Data Table Row" fails when the Data Table uses a Row Structure that was defined in blueprint. Internally, it checks if the passed-in UScriptStruct is derived ...

Blueprint Instanced Variables Data Erased

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 17, 2024

Instanced variables were given a fix in response to this issue: [Link Removed] Once implemented, when the project is compiled the data from the blueprint instanced variable is removed. A recommend ...

Bug with setting the ChildActorClass in ChildActorComponents in Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 10, 2024

It's impossible to set it back to None. Also, if the original blueprint had something set in ChildActorClass, it will be impossible to set a placement of it to None. I looked at it briefly in the de ...

Blueprint diff tool displays diffs for animation blueprints with no changes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 25, 2023

From UDN: [Link Removed] ...

Overriding a struct member field's default value on a BP-added component in a BP asset will no longer allow the user to edit that struct member on instances of that BP's component if the member is deprecated.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 19, 2023

Properties that are deprecated are (incorrectly) not currently being propagated to instances by the duplication logic that we use to instance BP-added components as part of Actor-based BP constructi ...

Deprecating a non-const blueprint interface function replaces the implementation of the event with an empty custom event

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 19, 2023

This behaviour is only observed when implementing the function as a custom event from a blueprint interface. This behaviour is not observed in actors where the blueprint interface function is implem ...

Compiling Blueprints breaks socketed attachments of actors attached to non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 12, 2023

When blueprints are compiled, instances of those blueprints have their attachments detached and then reattached. Reattachments always occur on the RootComponent regardless of which component they we ...

UBlueprintEditorLibrary::RemoveUnusedVariables doesn't treat the implicit target of an Event nodes as used

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2023

UBlueprintEditorLibrary::RemoveUnusedVariables removes (object) variables from a blueprint even if that blueprint graph had Event nodes that are bound "inline" to that object variable. For example: ...