ApplyRootMotion**** ability tasks broadcast completion events before calling EndTask

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Mar 22, 2023

Several ability tasks used to apply root motion sources on Characters have ordering problems between on-completion style events and ::EndTask / OnDestroy. UAbilityTask_ApplyRootMotionMoveToForce is ...

GameplayAbilities can only be triggered by Events OR Directly (not both)

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Mar 16, 2023

GAS: RemoveActiveGameplayEffect crashes when called during world teardown for periodic GEs

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Mar 2, 2023

AbilitySystemComponent crashes when RemoveActiveGameplayEffect is called during world teardown for an active gameplay effect that ticks periodically, by unsafe GetWorld()->GetTimerManager() access w ...

WaitGameplayTagQuery does not adhere to its Query rules if there are no tags on the Actor

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Feb 25, 2023

Hello, I posted a bug submission some days ago on [Link Removed], however I received a mail asking me to repost it here instead. So here I go, even if it's not a question per say. Description: T ...

Montages played by GAS do not respect Blend Out Time

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Dec 15, 2022

Replicated Montages played via GAS are not blended out using the BlendOut time set in the Montage, and are instead blended out using the BlendIn time ...

AbilityTask_NetworkSyncPoint can cause duplicate Gameplay Effect applications

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Dec 12, 2022

A recent change to UAbilityTask_NetworkSyncPoint generates a second Prediction Key before broadcasting the OnSync delegate which may be preventing the server from removing the locally predicted GE ...

GAS: RemoveReplicatedLooseGameplayTag on unadded tag causes it to be replicated

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Nov 17, 2022

A UDN user found that calling AbilitySystemComponent->RemoveReplicatedLooseGameplayTag(TagToRemove); while the gameplay tag was not in the TagMap, will create an entry for it with count 0, see ...

GAS and single process PIE: modifiable static variables accessed by server and client

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Nov 16, 2022

See: UAbilitySystemGlobals::HandlePreLoadMap GAS features static variables that are modified by both server and client, thus result in issues in single process PIE where they access the same memory ...

GAS: UGameplayEffect tags async loading race condition

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Oct 12, 2022

User reported game thread and async loading thread accessing a UGameplayEffect property at the same time:Game thread having loaded a GameplayEffectA and in its PostLoad() updating the property Inher ...

Gameplay ability blueprints cannot be debugged in multiplayer

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 19, 2022

The object filter in the blueprint debugger can be used to filter breakpoints to a specific instance of an object. This is important for multiplayer because there will be multiple versions of the sa ...