Input isn't recognized for the E key when the Ctrl key is also pressed down

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 23, 2021

When holding down the Ctrl key and pressing another key, if there is an input event bound to that key, then the nodes placed after that input event are triggered. However, this is not the case with ...

Numpad + Shift does not release keystrokes

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 9, 2021

The combination of Numpad + Shift seems to have various problems.  Regression No, according ...

Input consumed by a widget's action binding can be skipped if using key modifiers

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 29, 2021

The following code in UPlayerInput::GetChordsForKeyMapping is at fault for this:  !(KeyMapping.bAlt || KeyMapping.bCtrl || KeyMapping.bShift || KeyMapping.bCmd || ActionBinding.KeyEvent == EInputEv ...

APlayerController::FlushPressedKeys is (incorrectly?) called when the client viewport loses focus.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Sep 3, 2021

When focus changes an IE_Released event occurs for the W key (your character stops moving) due to UGameViewportClient::LostFocus calling APlayerController::FlushPressedKeys. Because of the R key pre ...

Binding Input Actions to Shift+F results in no input being detected

UE - Gameplay - Input - Aug 19, 2021

From my testing, it appears that Shift+F is not detected by the editor. If you map the input action to either F or Ctrl+F, they both work correctly, so it seems specific to the Shift+F keyboard comb ...

Expose input action from enhanced input component delegates

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 9, 2021

From a delegate there is no easy way to access the action that triggered the delegate. Whilst this is mostly inherent (an OnJumped handler implies the Jump action) it would be better to provide dire ...

Force Feedback Components continue to apply when game is paused

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 5, 2021

Looks like this was introduced as part of PR#5337 [Link Removed]. It forces bProcessFeedback to always be true regardless of the paused state.  ...

ForceFeedback Component - OnForceFeedbackFinished delegate isn't broadcast

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 5, 2021

The OnForceFeedbackFinished delegate isn't broadcast anywhere, so binding to it doesn't do anything. ...

Upgrading project results in loss of game input

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 7, 2020

Upgrading a marketplace creator's project to engine version 4.23.1 and above results in loss of (previously) working functionality with game input. ProjectDownload: [Link Removed] Tested in: 4.2 ...

'Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1' routes MotionController input to non-vr player

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 4, 2020

Motion controller inputs get routed to non-vr player when 'Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1' is enabled. ...