If a raw input device is connected to the computer after starting the editor/packaged game, the device is not registered and input is not received unless the editor/game is closed and then restarted ...
The FRawInputDeviceConfiguration struct is not exposed so attempting to define custom raw input device configs fails with unresolved external errors when using: FRawInputDeviceConfiguration newConfi ...
After running "showdebug rawinput", axis properties will not be visible in the debug information on screen, until the user makes input on the non-XInput device. ...
REGRESSION No, occurs in 4.14.3 In VehicleGame, if the user runs a "showdebug" command (such as "showdebug animation" or *showdebug rawinput") while the starting countdown is going on, all input wi ...
Button Release fires off when a break point is hit even if the button is still held down. ...
Set mouse position node does not appear to work the first time it is called in stand alone. The node has to be called twice before the correct position is set for the mouse ...
Compile fails when the user attempts to launch on to Windows with the Raw Input plugin enabled. Error:LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: Module.RawInput.cpp LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: d:\framework\engine\plug ...
Force Feed back does not fire off when called by an on destroyed event ...
ComponentBeginOverlap / ComponetBeginCursorOver / ect. events do not trigger for a component that is added during runtime. ...
When character input is defined in code, adding a call to the Get[AxisMapping] node in blueprints causes input for the specific mapping to fail. Note: This only affects code based input, Blueprint ...