Crash Building Lighting with Tile Map in Level

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jul 2, 2015

Built Lighting with Tilemap in ViewportSaved Paper2D Project after editing blueprint graph Building lighting with a non-empty Tilemap causes crash. The editor builds fine with an empty Tilemap howeve ...

Modifying collision via SetTile does not recreate physics state or mark it dirty to do so later

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 24, 2015

It should probably mark it as dirty but not recreate until end of frame (or expose it as a param to the method) since procedural generation would be too slow otherwise. We should also offer a funct ...

Paper2D Set Sprite function in Construction requires mobility to be set to Movable

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 23, 2015

If you set up a default Sprite in an Actor BP and in the construction script set the sprite to an Editable Sprite Variable, in order for the new sprite to show up mobility of Sprite and BP must be M ...

Blueprint PaperTileMap Component not Rendering while in Mobile Preview or Launched on Device

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 12, 2015

A blueprint with a PaperTileMap component will not render when played through the 'Mobile Preview' or as a packaged project. If the Tilemap alone is dragged into the viewport it renders fine when p ...

Paper 2D Sprites rendering incorrect Color

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 11, 2015

The Vertex (Sprite) Color is rendering a higher value than the color picker has set. In 4.7.6 this is consistent for Materials as well, but in 4.8 and 4.9 only the Paper2D elements are rendering at ...

Sprite sheets cannot be reimported in 4.8 in a project that was converted from an older version

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 11, 2015

User bug report: Why do you guys remove the Json Importer from UE 4.8? All atlases from TexturePacker can not be imported anymore on our projects. Is there a way to activate it? or maybe is there a ...

Unable to Compile Actor Blueprint with Tilemap Component

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - May 19, 2015

Unable to compile and edit the scale of a Tilemap Component as an Actor Blueprint after Importing a Tilemap and creating a Tile Map Asset within the content browser. There are also no details shown ...

RebuildRenderData is still not safe during cook time

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 21, 2015 UTexture2D::ConditionalPostLoad doesn't wait for the render data to finish caching outside ...