Mesh and Preview Character BP Stuck in "In Air" Animation

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 13, 2019

Checking the Run Physics with No Controller box in an animation Blueprint causes the Mannequin to change over to the "In Air" animation state. This will only occur after making the change then compi ...

Client movement and animation are heavy jittered on listen server

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 10, 2019

The listen server will see jitter in clients character movement and animations. This is hard to notice without the "slomo" command but is extremely obvious using "slomo". Clients will see server and ...

Deprecated: CharacterMovementComponent::bRequestedMoveUseAcceleration

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 3, 2019

Licensee has brought into question the difference between NavMovementComp::bUseAccelerationForPaths Vs. CharacterMovementComponent::bRequestedMoveUseAcceleration. This led to a discussion in a Supp ...

Walking on a movable TG_PostUpdateWork produces incorrect component positions

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Dec 5, 2018

When an actor set to movable and ticking with TG_PostUpdateWork is walked over, the character's capsule component position is incorrect during movement. ...

Walkable Slope Override not observed by ISMCs

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 6, 2018

A static mesh assets's Walkable Slope Override is observed by placed static meshes, but not by ISMC instances. ...

CharacterMovementComponent causes the Character to slide when jumping on moving objects

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 21, 2018

When the CharacterMovementComponent makes the transition from falling to walking, it retains the forward velocity it had while falling. When the character lands on the moving object, its new velocit ...

Setting MaxWalkSpeed(MovementComponent) on server causes stuttering on Client

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Apr 4, 2018

Client stutters when changing MaxWalkSpeed. Did not occur in 4.18 ...

Root motion can accumulate large force until finally extracted

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 19, 2018

Root motion can accumulate in some cases and then apply a huge force when it ends. See ...

Client move combining triggers repeated overlap start/end events on network client

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 2, 2018

This is caused by client move combining warping the player back and replaying the move. Workaround is to set "p.NetEnableMoveCombining 0" but that is bad for network bandwidth. We should probably ...

Third person character does not provide velocity in the z direction

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Aug 14, 2017

The Velocity in the Z direction does not change (unless the character jumps) when using "Get Velocity" on the character from the third person template. ...