Basing a character on a skeletal mesh does not work with sockets, only bones

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 21, 2015

SetBase() only works with bone names, but would like it to work with sockets. ...

WalkableSlopeOverride does not work for individual skeletal mesh body shapes

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 19, 2015

Walkable slope override (per-instance override of walkable angles for characters) is not used if edited per shape on the body. ...

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 13, 2015

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player. Note: this worked in 4.7.6 and earlier. Test project attached. In it, the Player Controller controlled by the acti ...

Setting Auto Possess AI to "Spawned" or "Placed in World or Spawned" will play falling animation

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 3, 2015

If the Auto Possess AI is set to Spawned or Placed in World or Spawned then the falling animation will play in the blueprint viewport. ...

(New) Capsule does not change in viewport to reflect new values entered in details Panel

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 3, 2015

Adding values in the details panel to a new Capsule Collision Component will not affect the Capsule in the CharacterBlueprint Viewport. *This only effects a new Capsule Collision added to a charact ...

Collision inconsistently responding to pawn collision

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jun 16, 2015

Actors utilizing overlap or ignore collision for the pawn collision channel are inconsistently responding to pawn actors. In some levels the overlap works correctly, in others, the pawn is blocked b ...

Net Cull Distance does not work with Pawn only Character

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 4, 2015

Licensee also posted on Asnwerhub here, Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2535351 & Rele ...

Preview Asset Menu for socket includes incompatible items

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Feb 27, 2015

When clicking RMB to "Add Preview Asset," The menu shows all contents, even assets that will not work with socket (ie other character blueprints) ...

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 26, 2014

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...