World partition mini map fails to build with an Unhandled Exception while using r.Raytracing.Nanite.Mode=1

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 31, 2023

This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Build mini map fails with an Unhandled Exception while r.Raytracing.Nanite.Mode=1 is enabled in the DefaultEngine.ini. ...

Niagara particles bounce instead of resting on AMD GPU in SM6

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 27, 2023

Additional Info URL [Link Removed]…]2F00O4z000006EGZXEA4%2Fview%3FqueryScope%3DuserFolders Link to repro - [Link Removed] Old UDN question that may be relevant, similar visual bug - [Link Removed] ...

Global Distance Field Precision Issues Far From Origin

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 26, 2023

[Enduring] Appears to be in the visualization rendering of the distance field, distance field shadows were unaffected. There was one instance where the bug did not replicate as expected. This was wh ...

RT shadows break with a 16-bit GBuffer

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 23, 2023

Ray traced shadows are missing when the gbuffer is forced to 16-bit. ...

Sky renders black after building lighting in VR Template

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 13, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0 at CL 20979098, this issue does not occur so this is a regression. ...

ForwardRendering does not render Single Layer Water and Volumetric Cloud correctly.

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2023

It seems to be due to the addition of the bIsWaterPixel decision in Engine\Shaders\Private\VolumetricRenderTarget.usf. ForwardRendering cannot access GBufferB. ...

Motion Blur Ghosting from Skeletal Mesh Animation

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2023

Crash when opening Open World map in editor with -d3d11 -d3ddebug

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 10, 2023

It seems to output an error message like the following. D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch: The Shader Resource View in slot 2 of the Compute Shader unit was not created with the D3D11_BUFF ...

Groom renders black through Single Water Layer materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 9, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, this issue occurs so this is not a regression ...